Direct torque control improvement for PMSM drive based on FLC
To satisfy the requirements of electric traction, the direct torque control (DTC) strategy for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives is the best candidate for high performance control. However, high torque and flux ripples can be observed because of an included switching table, and there are some of its drawbacks. To achieve a fast and reliable torque response and overcome these limitations, the basic DTC strategy based on fuzzy logic control (FLC) which integrated a space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) algorithm is proposed. The modified scheme uses the stator flux and the torque errors through two fuzzy logic controllers to generate a voltage space vector to provide the inverter switching states. To support the research, theoretical development and simulation results using the conventional and enhanced DTC are provided and compared.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee73255
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