Layout optimization for shingled solar cells
Increasing a photovoltaic (PV) module’s output power density is a reliable way to reduce electricity production costs. Along with improving solar cell conversion efficiency, another strategy is to minimize electrical and optical cell-to-module losses. The shingled photovoltaic module is a high-power PV module created by dividing and bonding cells with an electrically conductive adhesive (ECA). When compared to standard modules, the shingling approach has several advantages: lower ohmic losses, better area utilization, resulting in increased energy yield and better aesthetic appearance. As a result, it is critical to design the solar cell layout to achieve the best efficiency by limiting shading loss in the solar cell and must be planned accordingly. In this study, simulations are made using different finger and busbar numbers to determine the layout used to produce shingled cells. As a result of the simulations, managed the optimum efficiency and fill factor value with the number of 5 busbars and 110 fingers.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee73260
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