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Implementing deep learning techniques for travel time prediction

Khair Said Jadaan, Abdullah Najjar, Sameer Abu-Eisheh, Abdallah Sameer Abuaisha


In recent years, deep learning (DL) has proved to be a powerful artificial intelligence prediction tool in solving many complex problems. Despite its demonstrated superiority over traditional approaches in various domains, the utilization of DL for traffic prediction remains limited. Nevertheless, prior studies have shown its potential and effectiveness in this area. As for travel time, DL can make accurate predictions for all segments in the transportation network with a single model structure. This study reports on the application of DL in simultaneously predicting the travel time over several segments of a network. Two DL models, namely multilayer perceptions (MLPs) and long-short term memory networks (LSTM), which can deal with high-dimensional input data, are proposed to tackle the problem. The outcome of the application of the two DL models in Amman city, the capital of Jordan, is presented in this study. Amman City Taxi Company provided a dataset containing information such as trip origin, destination, and travel time, for taxi trips over the years 2018 and 2019. The results demonstrate that DL models hold great promise in achieving precise and real-time prediction of travel time on a network-wide level.

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