Investigation of the efficiency improvement on a 1.1 kW three-phase asynchronous motor
In this study, the geometrical dimensions of the operational motor parameters of a three-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor were obtained by disassembling it. Operating parameter values and properties of the asynchronous motor were measured and modelled using the Ansys RMxprt tool box. The modelling results and efficiency values were found within 0.3% of the ratings on the motor nameplate. The parameter values (e.g. torque, break-down torque, locked rotor current) obtained from modelling were compared to those on the motor nameplate values. In this model, both the finite element and analytical methods were performed successfully. In this study, only the stator parameters of asynchronous motor are analysed and optimized using motor design equations. The rotor structure has been kept the same during the study. The stator slot parameters were changed over certain intervals for more efficient operation. With these analyses, motor torque, power, efficiency, and stator–rotor magnetic flux values were examined. As a result of these works, the efficiency of the motor was increased by 1.59% and the power factor was enhanced by using the optimal slot parameters and whole-coil stator windings. With the changes made to the stator slot parameters and the type of stator winding, the motor efficiency class has been increased from IE2 to IE3. According to the European Union, the production of motors of the lowest efficiency class is IE3, and lower than this class production is forbidden as of July 1, 2021. It means that the IE2 class motors must be converted into the IE3 class motors. This study presents a simple, fast, and effective way to increase motor efficiency class for the transient operating region of the motor in detail.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee72230
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