Special Issue from the ICADET 2017 Conference

Ömer Necati Cora, Mustafa Ergin Şahin


It’s our pleasure to introduce the third volume of Turkish Journal of Electromechanics & Energy (TJEE). With this volume, we are about to complete third year in raising our child  TJEE. This is made possible by  our authors, reviewers and editorial board members, and we are grateful  for their time, efforts and valuable suggestions.

This special issue of the TJEE (Vol 3. No:1 January-June 2018) consists of five articles selected from the ICADET-2017 conference which was held in Bayburt, Turkey during September 21-23, 2017.

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His biography, http://www.biyografya.com/biyografi/16909

The web site of the institute he established “Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften in Goethe University at Frankfurt” (mainly in German) http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/58601604 , and the museum within it https://www.uni-frankfurt.de/59012099/Museum

The web site of Istanbul Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam which was dedicated to his work, http://www.ibttm.org/ENG/

His publications: https://www.uni-frankfurt.de/58972511/Andere_Themen#Katalog (in English,and German)

http://www.islamtarihikaynaklari.com/index.php/haber-ve-duyuru/378-arap-islam-bilimleri-tarihi-geschichte-des-arabischen-schrifttums-cevriliyor (in Turkish), Last acces date: 04/07/2018

URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee31125

Copyright (c) 2018 Turkish Journal of Electromechanics and Energy

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