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Conceptual design of a regulator-type hydropower plant

Ayhan Cüce, Haydar Küçük, Adnan Midilli


In this study, the design of a regulator-type hydropower plant was first performed in detail for the flow rates in the stream bed in the Eastern Black Sea region in Turkey. The water transmission tunnel has a free surface flow, and penstocks are externally reinforced. According to the value of project volumetric flow rate, sedimentation pond, optimum tunnel diameter, optimum penstock diameter, installed power capacity, turbine type selection, several turbines and generator capacity analysis have been conducted. Annual firm energy, annual secondary energy, and annual total energy have been calculated to be 55.399, 90.500 and 145.899 GWh. Also, optimum tunnel diameter and penstock diameter are obtained as 3.30 m and 2.75 m, respectively, using the maximum net income method for 35 m3/s of maximum flow rate. Three turbines are used for 28.129 MW of installed power, and 9.973 MW of turbine is selected for 11.20 m3/s of flow rate and 98.71 m of the net head. Voith brand Francis Turbine with 518 rpm, 166 m-kW of specific speed and 0.92 efficiencies is selected. Generators with 500 rpm of synchronous speed, 50 Hz, 14 double pole numbers, close to the turbine speed of 518 rpm are preferred.

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