Studying, modeling and simulation of wind turbine using MATLAB/Simulink
The increasing demand for renewable energy worldwide has positioned wind power as a leading solution of clean energy solutions. This paper dives into the realm of wind energy, specifically focusing on wind turbine dynamics and efficiency. As wind power surpasses other alternative energy resources in growth rate, there is a compelling need to enhance the productivity and efficiency of wind turbines. The study encompasses a detailed exploration of the components comprising wind energy conversion systems, namely the rotor, generator, and gearbox.
The primary contribution of this work lies in the meticulous mathematical modeling and simulation of wind turbine components using MATLAB/Simulink. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of the mechanical energy produced by wind turbines, incorporating key parameters such as power coefficient, tip speed ratio, and blade pitch angle. The simulations offer insights into the complex relationships governing wind turbine performance under varying conditions. The experimental section provides a detailed exploration of wind turbine modeling.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee91273
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