LEED certification analysis for an existing building: Credit opportunities and recommendations
The leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) is a widely adopted green building certification system. LEED certification assesses buildings across five primary categories, which include sustainable site planning, efficient water usage, energy and atmosphere efficiency, material and resource utilization, and indoor air quality. Based on the results of this assessment, buildings that accumulate sufficient points across these categories can receive LEED certification. It is crucial to reduce resource and energy consumption in the certification process while maintaining building comfort. In the report announced by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the country with the most LEED certification projects in 2022 is China with 1121 projects, followed by India with 323 projects, and Canada with 248 projects. According to the USGBC 2023 database, a total of 1249 buildings in Turkey have received LEED certification. This paper focuses on the evaluation of an existing office building within the framework of LEED certification and calculating its LEED score. The building has been assessed against the stipulated criteria, and recommendations have been provided to facilitate the attainment of LEED certification. According to the studies carried out, it has been calculated that the existing office building can achieve a total of 47 points according to the LEED V4.1: operations and maintenance (O+M) version and can obtain a LEED certificate with this score. If the possibilities and suggestions are examined, it is assumed to be possible to increase the current score by 12 points.
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