Controlling electron movement with magnetic field in electrospinning method
Electrospinning is one of the simple and effective production methods to produce fiber structures from various polymers whose diameters can vary from nano to micro scale. One of the biggest problems encountered in the production of fiber mats by the electrospinning method is that the electrical field dispersed due to instabilities prevents the production of homogeneous material. Although the fibers produced by the currently used electrospinning method tend to be pulled out of the collector plate due to instability, this causes both material loss and the inability to produce fiber mats with the desired properties. In this study, electrons focused on the collector plate by using a magnetic field. Neodymium magnets of different shapes, sizes and thicknesses were used to investigate the change in magnetic field strength. It was observed that the use of neodymium magnets in the electrospinning device enabled more homogeneous fiber formation and more focused production without material loss. Thus, it has been determined that the fact that there is no need for extra energy consumption by using permanent magnets and that the system placed to obtain the magnetic field is not on the production line, controls the instability and makes fiber production with the electrospinning device more cost-effective and more applicable.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee91302
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