AC motor selection in machine design applications
Asynchronous or induction alternating current (AC) motors are frequently used in industry to drive machines. An important feature of most AC motors is the torque-speed curve. The main purpose of this study is to provide a guide on how to create an electromechanical model for a real system and how the selected motor will affect the kinematic and kinetic performances. In this study, it is explained how to define the speed-torque characteristic and obtain an approximate speed-torque graph using the standard catalogue of motor manufacturers and Kloss formulas. Three approaches based on Kloss formulas from literature are introduced and one of them is selected to be used. A Scotch Yoke mechanism used for packaging purposes is chosen as an industrial application. The equation of motion of that mechanism is obtained and a numerical solution is shown. The electromechanical system equation includes the mechanism dynamic model and the Kloss equations containing the catalogue data of the selected motor. At the end of the numerical simulation, the dynamic performance of the system is being evaluated. It is investigated that the selected motor is enough to drive the mechanism. Additionally, the effect of adding a flywheel to the system on the fluctuation of speed is also examined.
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URN: https://sloi.org/urn:sl:tjoee91307
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