![Fig. 6. Classification flowchart of SC [44, 50, 52].](https://scienceliterature.com/public/journals/1/cover_article_166_en_US.jpg)
A Review on Supercapacitor Materials and Developments
Energy storage is a big problem today in the world for humanity depend on the challenges of conventional storage devices. So the researchers are studying to invent new energy storage devices and materials for many years. The supercapacitor (SC) is invented and presented as an alternating storage device recently. There were a lot of studies about SC in literature. These studies are focused on materials of SC components, modeling of SC, and applications of SC. In this paper, the working principle of SC, the advantages of SC, the classification of SC, and new developments of SC are investigated. Some material applications of SC are presented in this study also. The manufacturing developments are investigated for some SC materials and presented some novel applications also.
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